Plan ahead – protein packed Apple and Cinnamon Bircher Muesli

As I said in an earlier post (Be Prepared to Succeed), the secret to eating well on a consistent basis is to get into the routine of planning and preparing food ahead of time.  Making meals in batches really helps when time is short.  

A super easy way to sort out a healthy breakfast is to make bircher muesli, sometimes called overnight oats.  It takes no time to pull together and it’s really easy to make a larger batch that will last you for a few days through the week.   I have boosted the protein content of this one by adding some hemp protein powder and some shelled hemp seeds....which might explain the greenish tinge to it....always a good look with food.


½ cup or rolled oats (I tend to use gluten free)
1 cup of any type of milk (I like almond milk)
1 apple
1 dessert spoon raisins or sultanas
1 dessert spoon of protein powder (I used Pulsin Hemp Protein Powder)
Cinnamon to taste (for me that is A LOT)
Sprinkle of seeds – sunflower and hemp works well
Optional - spoon of yoghurt (try Coyo coconut yoghurt)

How to make

Grate the apple (leave the skin on).  Mix apple, oats, raisins or sultanas, milk, cinnamon and seeds together.  Mix in the protein powder if you are using it.  Cover and leave in the fridge overnight.   

This is a good portion for one person.  You can double, triple or quadruple to make a bigger batch to last a few days.  When you come to serve it you will probably need to loosen it up a little; a dollop of yoghurt works well or just add a splash more almond milk....even water.

Once you have this mastered this get creative – any seeds, nuts, dried fruit or fresh fruit can work!

Tip: if you have a high-powered blender like a Nutribullet then you can add the cored apple to the milk and just blitz.  It saves time grating…….Or if you don’t have any almond milk to hand you can just make your own.  Add 15-20g of nuts (almond, hazelnut, cashew) to the water and blitz, no need to strain it.